Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Therapeutic Process Of The Bowens Transgenerational...
Treatment No matter the nature of the presenting problem, the therapeutic process in the Bowen’s transgenerational model is governed by two main goals: management of anxiety and relief from symptoms, and an increase in each participant’s level of differentiation (Kerr Bowen as cited in Goldenberg Goldenberg, 2013, p. 227). The treatment for a person with SPD, using Bowenian approach, consists of decreasing anxiety and increasing levels of differentiation in the individual and the family system. In order to achieve both treatment goals, Bowen preferred to be a coach. According to Goldenberg and Goldenberg (2013), Bowen presented himself as a researcher helping individuals becoming objective researchers of their own ways of†¦show more content†¦Because Bowen believed in the relevance of multigenerational healing, he created the Genogram (p. 225). A Genogram is a therapeutic tool that can be used to graphically identify the family system of an individual and the various generational influences that the individual has. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) The CBT model is based on the theory that an event occurs (the situation), then people assign it a meaning (the interpretation), leading to an emotional, behavioral or physiological change (the reaction) (Ledley, Marx Heimberg, 2010, p. 12). CBT approach believes that people assign meaning to their events, and then the assigned meaning impacts people’s behavior. In this section, it will be analyzed the etiology and treatment of SPD based on the CBT approach. Etiology CBT sees psychopathology as a cause of a triggering event and a maladaptive meaning assignation of the event (Ledley, Marx and Heimberg, 2010, p. 12). When an event occurs and people assign maladaptive meanings to the event, it can lead to the development of a psychological disorder. CBT believes that the way people perceive the world in large affects the way they behave, feel and understand life situations (Schaefer, 2011, p. 313). The perceptions or thoughts that people have a bout others and their environments influence them behaviorally, emotionally, and psychologically.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Social Impacts Of School Uniforms - 1550 Words
School uniforms may seem like a thing of the past for many, but they are slowly becoming more used as time goes on. They have been found to improve the lives of students, parents, and teachers. Surprisingly, the people most against uniforms are parents; they worry about their children’s individuality and rights. For many parents, it is a struggle to pay for brand new uniform attire. In a recent case, Major Libby Blair found herself having trouble paying for each garment. She founded Libby’s Closet, which sells uniforms for much cheaper prices. This allows many to be able to afford these uniforms. According to Honaker, who interviewed Blair, â€Å"So far, 200-300 families have benefited from it [(lower-priced uniforms)]†(Andrea). These types of†¦show more content†¦If uniforms were implemented, than this feeling could transfer to the entire school instead of just a small group. Uniforms make students feel more unified by making them feel as though they b elong to a larger whole, in this case a school, as well as level the playing field by making their students wear uniforms. This allows the less fortunate to feel more at ease. Uniforms affect students mentally. Uniforms decrease bullying which can help students feel more inclined to go to school. Bullying is a big problem in many schools. Students can find any and every difference in another person, uniforms would eliminate many of these. Uniforms allow students to not be bullied for the things they are wearing. 64% of school leaders said uniforms reduce bullying and 86% of school leaders said uniforms make a significant, positive impact on peer pressure, from a survey by uniform manufacturer, Land’s End, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) in 2013 (School Uniforms-Procon). Many of these bullies do not only use words but also violence. â€Å"The results in column (2) suggest that girls†¦ in middle and high school girls are 1.2 percentage points less likely to leave†(Gentile and Iberman 21). This could be due to less bullying going on in these schools. Many children, especially girls do not want to attend sc hool if there is someone who is bullying them. This can leadShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On School Uniforms1671 Words  | 7 Pages Hari Mainali South University School Uniform â€Æ' Abstract Freedom of dress is violated by restricting on school uniform. A school and university have their own dress code which does not require a particular dress. Some researcher and scholar suggest misbehavior in the student are the result of banning uniform. But misbehavior is what they acquired in their life. Banning uniform, student can exercise their right to express themselves freely. Student will be able to focus on education and saveRead MoreSchool Uniforms, Good Or Bad? Essay1740 Words  | 7 Pagesparents who don’t agree with school uniforms. They will immediately reject them because to them these uniforms restrict the student s’ freedom of expression. After picking this topic. I wanted to take the negative of it because I want to freely choose the clothes that I want to wear. I didn’t want someone to choose the clothes that I’m going to wear. After, a while of researching this topic, I decided to take the positive side of school uniforms. In fact, these uniforms will help students become moreRead MoreWhy Uniforms Should Be Mandatory Uniforms927 Words  | 4 PagesWhy Uniforms? The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country (Robert Baden-Powell). In today’s society school uniforms still remain a controversial issue in the nation’s schools. 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I strongly favor the fact that school uniforms are perfect because they assist in helping studentsRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniform Essay834 Words  | 4 PagesAre School Uniforms a Good or Bad Idea? School uniforms has been the cause of debate for many years now. Most students like to wear school uniforms because they believe uniforms make schools (â€Å"safer for students†) and create â€Å"level playing fields†where every student has equal opportunity to succeed and they all apply the same set of rules. However, students and even most parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms; stating that uniforms take away the right of (â€Å"self-expression†)Read MoreEssay about Toms848 Words  | 4 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility of TOMS Shoes BUS 311 Ethical Management May 20, 2013 Toms Shoes Corporate social responsibility is defined as actions of an organization that are targeted toward achieving a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all its legal obligations (Ghillyer, 2012). The for-profit company, TOMS Shoes, takes social responsibility seriously starting with their central goal: We can create a better tomorrow by takingRead MoreSchool Uniforms Should Be Implemented Throughout K 12 Public Schools1258 Words  | 6 PagesBobby Mishra Mrs. Bezemek Apps of Comp 24 November 2014 School Uniforms According to a study done by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) said that the popularity of school uniforms are clearly on the rise. Now more schools have uniforms rising from 28 percent to 49 percent in thirteen years (Tucker). School uniforms can help improve behavior leading to safer schools and safer communities. School uniforms can also lead to an increase in academic behavior leading to betterRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Its Effects On People And Their Behavior1537 Words  | 7 Pageslarger impact on people and their behavior than most people would like to consider. What students choose to wear to school every single day impacts their lives more than most realize for example, in school. What students choose to wear to school can affect how well they are able to participate and focus on their studies. The clothing that students choose to put on their backs affects their self-esteem, what class level their classmates perceive them as, and their be havior. Implementing a school uniforms
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Anonymous Hacker Book Report Free Essays
Allow me to explain. Not that long ago there was a shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary school. It was a tragedy across the board that most of us felt. We will write a custom essay sample on Anonymous Hacker Book Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now While the Anon portions of the internet (Achaean, Reedit, etc) teemed with inappropriate Jokes and disgusting humor, there was an underlining sense of outrage that could be felt in the far corners of the deep net. This didn’t come to full bloom until the Westbrook Baptist Church stepped in with their plans to protest the funerals of the dead children of Sainthood. Immediately the same people who would post â€Å"dead kid mess†were striking out urbanely and quite harshly against the audacity of someone to tarnish the memory of kids In real life. That’s what a lot of people don’t understand about Anon and the 100 different sec groups out there trolling â€Å"newfangled†and â€Å"morals†. The net is a different world inside. Anon and everyone else do not see it as an extension of real life unless it’s to make an impact. These are the same personality types that love tagging things with spray paint. It’s all for laughs, until however it gets serious. Westbrook Baptist Church (WEB from now on) struck a moral nerve with Anon and the est. of the hastiest community. Commander X came out of retirement, Jester (whose admittedly against Anion’s actions usually, came out in support and offered services. ) Whether It was setting up VPN for everyone to run Dodos off of or setting up old school pranks Like pizza wars or blacking out (faxing black pieces of paper to run out Ink) It went Like wildfire. It was one of the first times I’ve ever seen all the factions come together. What amazed me however was the interactive real life protests that went down. Anonymous called for actions and the net responded in kind. Ass of people took to the streets from Anon to protest the WEB. With them members of the Hells Angels and even former military and off duty police stood in solidarity against them. What was amazing was the fact that this translated from online IIRC to real time real life protest. People broadcasted the whereabouts of the WEB van and flooded any hotel with calls, faxes and emails who dare take them in. This was then broadcasted again on Stream so the world could see Just how powerful the Internet could be. The biggest thing was Black Lotus. A service that provided hardcore Dodos protection for invalids. This service costs a lot of money to employ and only those most fearful of an attack will get In touch wit Black Lotus. However that week they were held over a barrel. Instead of going Dodos was not an option really, what was however was the â€Å"dioxin†of the employees. Dog were accumulated in a massive pastiest that went around the net. Everyone who was poised went online and did their research. This yielded some insane results. Everything from the Coo’s address and phone number and social security number were captured. After a bunch of threats and back and forth with YANG (Your Anonymous News) twitter account and Jackal (one of the few respected enough to lead a proper â€Å"Pop†) the company employing Black Lotus protection gave up. Instead of being dosed, they gave all the money they got from WEB to the Sandy Hook Victims fund on top of a generous donation of k. We Are Anonymous is a good book about a few isolated incidents. I don’t however find it to be indicative of what Anon is about or the other sec that work within the hastiest community. Yes we did it for the lulls, but there was a sense of â€Å"moral†to all of us. How to cite Anonymous Hacker Book Report, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Hotel Operations Business Implementing Proposals
Question: Describe about the Hotel Operations for Business Implementing Proposals. Answer: Introduction: Hotels around the world are implementing proposals which are cost effective in nature for lessening their impact on the environment. According to Nicholls and Kang 2012, achieving pertinent and practical targets in areas concerning environmental factors needs proper investment of time and resources in planning, organizing, and offering training and following up in accordance to the requirement. Success in such maters does not come easy and one needs to start from the scratch to put things in order. The first part in such situations should always be to know the starting point and find out the amount of water currently in use. This report will take into account certain environment friendly measures that can be implemented for the Sydney based G Hotel Group in matters related to water consumption. Integration of effective green practices into the daily operations of Geo Hotel: As stated earlier, in everything that one does, the starting point is important along with knowing the current status of such a thing. Before getting started with recommending the measures that will take care of the water consumption in the hotel, it is important to check how much water is getting used in the current scenario through installation of meters and regular readings. The sub meters will help the hotel management to understand the areas where water is being used the most. Cost is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration, and areas need to be identified where the potential cost can be saved related to water consumption. The ground plan needs to be structured regarding costs and environmental saving measures for the water management plan (Jeong et al. 2014). A proper plan and execution of the same would help in bringing in a lot of key stakeholders, thus improving the hotels overall efficiency. The percentage of the worlds fresh water stands at 1%, so a lot of work needs to be done in preserving water with careful consumption. There should be a proper plan that needs to be followed in establishing a water conservation plan. -A water audit should be carried out where major costs related to water should be mentioned along with where savings can be made. -Proper checking needs to be done whether government loans are available for investment purposes in water reduction schemes and new technology. -All the employees of the hotel should be clearly informed about the managements pledge towards water reduction along with the objectives and goals -Staffs should be provided proper training in understanding the need of sensible use of water and maintaining optimal energy-efficiency. Their suggestions on the same matter is also important -Establishing a monitoring and targeting system for regular reports back to stakeholders and staffs Negative Impacts on the environment caused by Hotels operational activities: Reports and survey suggests that hotels do not have a major negative impact on the environment, but in a collective way they consume larger amount of resources which sometimes proves to be wasteful. The waste is in terms of resources which results in needless operational costs. Water is required for survival purposes which include cooking, drinking and cleansing. Tourists who visits hotel this days, have certain perceptions about the hotel environment like landscape gardens, golf courses and swimming pools. Water is also essential for agricultural purposes which in turn support the tourism industry. Generally, tourists demand more water than the local residents residing in the surrounding areas of the hotel. Survey reports suggest that around 100 luxury hotel guests would consume the same level of water in two months which the 100 local agricultural farmers would use for irrigational purposes in three years. The difference is huge, so proper measures are to be focused on to control the water consumption in the best possible way. A hotel comprises of different departments, so the focus should be on the areas where the consumption of water is likely to be the highest. Every plan implemented to save water needs to go through proper conducted tests so that none of the planned and implemented measures compromise with the quality, health and safety issue as the guests should not complain about such measures (Barber 2014). Restroom and Lavatory: - Installation of duel flush toilets can be beneficial where guests can go for a shorter flush (Chan et al, 2014). Changing everything at one go is never possible, so the hotel management can opt for placing a full water bottle in the cistern in order to reduce the water used in a single flush (Shieh, Hu and Sheu 2012). -Installation of water sense labeled showerheads, faucets, and flushing urinals have become important. Certain reports do suggest that these products are 20% more water-efficient than the standard ones (Robin, C.F., Pedroche and Astorga 2016). -The flow of the shower should be not more than 10 liters/min. A bucket and stopwatch can be used to measure such a process. -There should not be any leakage in the washroom; proper maintenance is required in saving water consumption. It has been reported that a leaking toilet generally loses around 750 liters of water a day. -The washrooms attached to hotel lobby and restaurants should have atleast four in hand washing sinks. There should either be flow restrictions or aerators to help reduce the tap flow. This is a short term goal, where investment is to be made at a time on the aerators and water sensor showerheads. However, monitoring and maintenance is required for a longer period of time. Laundry: -As this report is for a 4 star hotel, with around 400 rooms, installing a continuous batch washer (CBW) can be of great help, where rinse water is used for main suds operation and pre-washing facilities. -The rinse cycle needs to be minimized without hampering the quality. -The water flow rates on tunnel washers and CBWs are to be adjusted as per the manufacturers setting recommendation. -Hotels do use a lot of washing machines, whose purchase should be based on good water consumption rating. -The hotel laundry should be best served with ozone laundry systems. In this process the ozone gets injected into water, which forms a union with the laundry chemicals to offer an efficient wash. Swimming Pool: Installation of a swimming pool in a large hotel increases the consumption of fresh water by around 10%, which gives rise to the question of how important a swimming pool is to a hotel. It is, as tourists like chilling out in a swimming pool, especially if it is in Sydney (Barber and Deale 2014). -Regular maintenance to avert any sort of leakages. The best way to check this is by taking water readings the previous night as the last thing and the next morning as the first. -The swimming pool should be backwashed in every two or three days. A backwash system should be installed for recapturing the water and using it for irrigational purposes. Housekeeping: -The housekeeping staff should be given proper training on how they can reduce the use of water. They should be taught certain procedures like the number of times they need to flush the toilet while cleaning, the taps should not be kept open and the staff should be using hose while cleaning floors (Gssling 2015). -A linen reuse program should be put into use where guests should be allowed to select whether they want or not the regular change of their linen. This is a long term goal where the staffs should be given training at certain times to understand the policies of the organization are water consumption process. Kitchens: -I would like to suggest the hotels to go for Energy Star qualified models for products like ice machines, dishwashers and steam cookers. The usage of energy and water gets reduced by around 10% in using these models by reprocessing water throughout cycles. -Efficient pre-rinse spray valves, combination ovens and steam cookers should be put into use which uses relatively less water. -Equipments that are in the habit of discharging water on a continuous basis should be replaced. Users should also be educated on proper dishware prep and loading techniques to diminish the amount of water used. Landscape Watering: -Water-smart landscapes are to be designed which can reduce water needed for irrigational purposes. -A WaterSense labeled program is to be audited by hiring a certified professional to develop the efficiency in irrigation. -WaterSense labeled irrigation controllers should be put into use in order to cut down on loss of water from evaporation and wind. Short-term, Mid-term and Long-term goals: Every process that needs to be implemented should be for long term purposes which require continuous maintenance. The short term goals include company investing in washing machines, steam cookers and ice machines for water saving purposes. Each department in the hotel is responsible for water conservation. Like the beverage department where pioneering procedures are to be applied such as natura water that purifies the water of the tap along with adding carbonation as per the requirement. The Engineering department is responsible for allocating sustainable products and solution. Moreover, Energy Star appliances are being used to reduce water consumption. Advantages of the Hotel going green: -A label of a green hotel is best for business. Educating employees is necessary along with the guests who can help in protection of environment during their stay at the hotel. Big hotels going green or implementing environment friendly measures are seen as good neighbors rather than a large corporation (Baker, Davis and Weaver 2013). -A Brand value that is unique in nature. Environmental friendly hotels have their own demand and people in recent times opt for such a place to enjoy their holiday. -Marketing opportunities becomes more as the hotel will then able to attract a different segment of the travelling population. -Hotels practicing green measures can charge premium rates from their clients. Consumers are ready to pay premium price for such organic measures which are healthier and better for environment (Kang et al. 2012). Travelers are showing more interest in such kinds of hotels. Disadvantages: -Customer Backlash is common if a hotel makes false claims of being environmental friendly. Greenwashing is not the right way, the hotel may suffer - Switching to environmental friendliness products can often lead to costlier products or expensive products like energy saving cookers, water saving washing machines. -The conversion cost of switching to green or environment friendly products is quite high. At the initial level it needs a lot of investment to set things right Both the Board of Directors and the Stakeholder should have proper information regarding all this. They should take into account all the probable implications that these measures can bring about after implementation of such environment friendly activities (Hays and Ozretic-Doen 2014). Only then a successful environmental friendly hotel can be put up for tourists around the globe. Conclusion: As stated in the report the water consumption needs to be done properly, because the amount of fresh water is very less. Hotels do attract a lot of tourists each day where there is a possibility of water getting wasted. Proper measures can work wonders for not only the hotel, but also for irrigational purposes around the hotel premises. The 4 star Geo Hotel is coming up at a place where urban development is in progress. So water is necessary there too. So the measures as described in the report are being implemented will be of immense help to the renewal work of such a project of urban development too. Reference: Baker, M.A., Davis, E.A. and Weaver, P.A., 2013. Eco-friendly attitudes, barriers to participation, and differences in behavior at green hotels.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, p.193896551350448 Barber, N.A. and Deale, C., 2014. Tapping mindfulness to shape hotel guests sustainable behavior.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,55(1), pp.100-114. Barber, N.A., 2014. Profiling the Potential Green Hotel Guest Who Are They and What Do They Want?.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research,38(3), pp.361-387. Chan, E.S., Hon, A.H., Chan, W. and Okumus, F., 2014. What drives employees intentions to implement green practices in hotels? The role of knowledge, awareness, concern and ecological behaviour.International Journal of Hospitality Management,40, pp.20-28. Gssling, S., 2015. New performance indicators for water management in tourism.Tourism Management,46, pp.233-244. Hays, D. and Ozretic-Doen, ?., 2014. Greening hotels-building green values into hotel services.Tourism and Hospitality Management,20(1), pp.85-102. Jeong, E., Jang, S.S., Day, J. and Ha, S., 2014. The impact of eco-friendly practices on green image and customer attitudes: An investigation in a caf setting.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, pp.10-20. Kang, K.H., Stein, L., Heo, C.Y. and Lee, S., 2012. Consumers willingness to pay for green initiatives of the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(2), pp.564-572. Kasim, A., Gursoy, D., Okumus, F. and Wong, A., 2014. The importance of water management in hotels: a framework for sustainability through innovation.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,22(7), pp.1090-1107. Nicholls, S. and Kang, S., 2012. Going green: the adoption of environmental initiatives in Michigan's lodging sector.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,20(7), pp.953-974. Robin, C.F., Pedroche, M.S.C. and Astorga, P.S., 2016. Revisiting green practices in the hotel industry: A comparison between mature and emerging destinations.Journal of Cleaner Production. Shieh, H.S., Hu, J.L. and Sheu, H.J., 2012. GOING GREEN: DEVELOPING A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE GREEN HOTEL RATING SYSTEM.Actual Problems of Economics/Aktual'ni Problemi Ekonomki,134(8).
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