Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Therapeutic Process Of The Bowens Transgenerational...
Treatment No matter the nature of the presenting problem, the therapeutic process in the Bowen’s transgenerational model is governed by two main goals: management of anxiety and relief from symptoms, and an increase in each participant’s level of differentiation (Kerr Bowen as cited in Goldenberg Goldenberg, 2013, p. 227). The treatment for a person with SPD, using Bowenian approach, consists of decreasing anxiety and increasing levels of differentiation in the individual and the family system. In order to achieve both treatment goals, Bowen preferred to be a coach. According to Goldenberg and Goldenberg (2013), Bowen presented himself as a researcher helping individuals becoming objective researchers of their own ways of†¦show more content†¦Because Bowen believed in the relevance of multigenerational healing, he created the Genogram (p. 225). A Genogram is a therapeutic tool that can be used to graphically identify the family system of an individual and the various generational influences that the individual has. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) The CBT model is based on the theory that an event occurs (the situation), then people assign it a meaning (the interpretation), leading to an emotional, behavioral or physiological change (the reaction) (Ledley, Marx Heimberg, 2010, p. 12). CBT approach believes that people assign meaning to their events, and then the assigned meaning impacts people’s behavior. In this section, it will be analyzed the etiology and treatment of SPD based on the CBT approach. Etiology CBT sees psychopathology as a cause of a triggering event and a maladaptive meaning assignation of the event (Ledley, Marx and Heimberg, 2010, p. 12). When an event occurs and people assign maladaptive meanings to the event, it can lead to the development of a psychological disorder. CBT believes that the way people perceive the world in large affects the way they behave, feel and understand life situations (Schaefer, 2011, p. 313). The perceptions or thoughts that people have a bout others and their environments influence them behaviorally, emotionally, and psychologically.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Social Impacts Of School Uniforms - 1550 Words
School uniforms may seem like a thing of the past for many, but they are slowly becoming more used as time goes on. They have been found to improve the lives of students, parents, and teachers. Surprisingly, the people most against uniforms are parents; they worry about their children’s individuality and rights. For many parents, it is a struggle to pay for brand new uniform attire. In a recent case, Major Libby Blair found herself having trouble paying for each garment. She founded Libby’s Closet, which sells uniforms for much cheaper prices. This allows many to be able to afford these uniforms. According to Honaker, who interviewed Blair, â€Å"So far, 200-300 families have benefited from it [(lower-priced uniforms)]†(Andrea). These types of†¦show more content†¦If uniforms were implemented, than this feeling could transfer to the entire school instead of just a small group. Uniforms make students feel more unified by making them feel as though they b elong to a larger whole, in this case a school, as well as level the playing field by making their students wear uniforms. This allows the less fortunate to feel more at ease. Uniforms affect students mentally. Uniforms decrease bullying which can help students feel more inclined to go to school. Bullying is a big problem in many schools. Students can find any and every difference in another person, uniforms would eliminate many of these. Uniforms allow students to not be bullied for the things they are wearing. 64% of school leaders said uniforms reduce bullying and 86% of school leaders said uniforms make a significant, positive impact on peer pressure, from a survey by uniform manufacturer, Land’s End, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) in 2013 (School Uniforms-Procon). Many of these bullies do not only use words but also violence. â€Å"The results in column (2) suggest that girls†¦ in middle and high school girls are 1.2 percentage points less likely to leave†(Gentile and Iberman 21). This could be due to less bullying going on in these schools. Many children, especially girls do not want to attend sc hool if there is someone who is bullying them. This can leadShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On School Uniforms1671 Words  | 7 Pages Hari Mainali South University School Uniform â€Æ' Abstract Freedom of dress is violated by restricting on school uniform. A school and university have their own dress code which does not require a particular dress. Some researcher and scholar suggest misbehavior in the student are the result of banning uniform. But misbehavior is what they acquired in their life. Banning uniform, student can exercise their right to express themselves freely. Student will be able to focus on education and saveRead MoreSchool Uniforms, Good Or Bad? Essay1740 Words  | 7 Pagesparents who don’t agree with school uniforms. They will immediately reject them because to them these uniforms restrict the student s’ freedom of expression. After picking this topic. I wanted to take the negative of it because I want to freely choose the clothes that I want to wear. I didn’t want someone to choose the clothes that I’m going to wear. After, a while of researching this topic, I decided to take the positive side of school uniforms. In fact, these uniforms will help students become moreRead MoreWhy Uniforms Should Be Mandatory Uniforms927 Words  | 4 PagesWhy Uniforms? The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country (Robert Baden-Powell). In today’s society school uniforms still remain a controversial issue in the nation’s schools. Proponents of school uniforms states that uniforms can reduce common probes such as fighting and allows administrations to identify non-student body personal. According to At Issue: those opposed to mandatory uniforms say uniforms infringe upon students’Read MoreDress Yourself By Choice Not By Force876 Words  | 4 Pagessociety, and the policies schools implement have lasting implications beyond the classroom. With all of the constant issues that school districts regularly have to address , the topic of school uniforms often falls to the wayside. However, research indicates that the adoption of school uniforms has an immense impact on student behavior and attitudes. In 2014, at Duncanville High School in Texas, one hundred and seventy teenagers were suspended for refusing to wear school uniforms (Golgowski 2104). ThisRead MoreChanging Bullying : The Utilization Of School Uniforms1458 Words  | 6 PagesUtilization of School Uniforms is Changing Bullying (Rough Draft) Christina E. Oliver ENG 122: English Composition II Instructor: Angel Vasquez January 12, 2015 Changing Bullying: The Utilization of School Uniforms is Changing Bullying One of the most important things, which we have to do as an adult or parent, is to help educate our young people. We must begin to inspect our effectiveness, to provide a sound education, for every age and aspect of human beings; within our schools. OurRead MoreThe Debate over the Implementation of School Uniform Policies in our Schools:743 Words  | 3 Pageshave been many debates over the implementation of school uniform policies in our schools. Opinions are formed about the appearance of uniforms powerful effects on the way in which a student should dress. This significant role of attire relates to how students could relay a message to themselves and others. In addition, uniforms are one of the most serious administrative concerns in our public school system. I strongly favor the fact that school uniforms are perfect because they assist in helping studentsRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniform Essay834 Words  | 4 PagesAre School Uniforms a Good or Bad Idea? School uniforms has been the cause of debate for many years now. Most students like to wear school uniforms because they believe uniforms make schools (â€Å"safer for students†) and create â€Å"level playing fields†where every student has equal opportunity to succeed and they all apply the same set of rules. However, students and even most parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms; stating that uniforms take away the right of (â€Å"self-expression†)Read MoreEssay about Toms848 Words  | 4 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility of TOMS Shoes BUS 311 Ethical Management May 20, 2013 Toms Shoes Corporate social responsibility is defined as actions of an organization that are targeted toward achieving a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all its legal obligations (Ghillyer, 2012). The for-profit company, TOMS Shoes, takes social responsibility seriously starting with their central goal: We can create a better tomorrow by takingRead MoreSchool Uniforms Should Be Implemented Throughout K 12 Public Schools1258 Words  | 6 PagesBobby Mishra Mrs. Bezemek Apps of Comp 24 November 2014 School Uniforms According to a study done by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) said that the popularity of school uniforms are clearly on the rise. Now more schools have uniforms rising from 28 percent to 49 percent in thirteen years (Tucker). School uniforms can help improve behavior leading to safer schools and safer communities. School uniforms can also lead to an increase in academic behavior leading to betterRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Its Effects On People And Their Behavior1537 Words  | 7 Pageslarger impact on people and their behavior than most people would like to consider. What students choose to wear to school every single day impacts their lives more than most realize for example, in school. What students choose to wear to school can affect how well they are able to participate and focus on their studies. The clothing that students choose to put on their backs affects their self-esteem, what class level their classmates perceive them as, and their be havior. Implementing a school uniforms
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Anonymous Hacker Book Report Free Essays
Allow me to explain. Not that long ago there was a shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary school. It was a tragedy across the board that most of us felt. We will write a custom essay sample on Anonymous Hacker Book Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now While the Anon portions of the internet (Achaean, Reedit, etc) teemed with inappropriate Jokes and disgusting humor, there was an underlining sense of outrage that could be felt in the far corners of the deep net. This didn’t come to full bloom until the Westbrook Baptist Church stepped in with their plans to protest the funerals of the dead children of Sainthood. Immediately the same people who would post â€Å"dead kid mess†were striking out urbanely and quite harshly against the audacity of someone to tarnish the memory of kids In real life. That’s what a lot of people don’t understand about Anon and the 100 different sec groups out there trolling â€Å"newfangled†and â€Å"morals†. The net is a different world inside. Anon and everyone else do not see it as an extension of real life unless it’s to make an impact. These are the same personality types that love tagging things with spray paint. It’s all for laughs, until however it gets serious. Westbrook Baptist Church (WEB from now on) struck a moral nerve with Anon and the est. of the hastiest community. Commander X came out of retirement, Jester (whose admittedly against Anion’s actions usually, came out in support and offered services. ) Whether It was setting up VPN for everyone to run Dodos off of or setting up old school pranks Like pizza wars or blacking out (faxing black pieces of paper to run out Ink) It went Like wildfire. It was one of the first times I’ve ever seen all the factions come together. What amazed me however was the interactive real life protests that went down. Anonymous called for actions and the net responded in kind. Ass of people took to the streets from Anon to protest the WEB. With them members of the Hells Angels and even former military and off duty police stood in solidarity against them. What was amazing was the fact that this translated from online IIRC to real time real life protest. People broadcasted the whereabouts of the WEB van and flooded any hotel with calls, faxes and emails who dare take them in. This was then broadcasted again on Stream so the world could see Just how powerful the Internet could be. The biggest thing was Black Lotus. A service that provided hardcore Dodos protection for invalids. This service costs a lot of money to employ and only those most fearful of an attack will get In touch wit Black Lotus. However that week they were held over a barrel. Instead of going Dodos was not an option really, what was however was the â€Å"dioxin†of the employees. Dog were accumulated in a massive pastiest that went around the net. Everyone who was poised went online and did their research. This yielded some insane results. Everything from the Coo’s address and phone number and social security number were captured. After a bunch of threats and back and forth with YANG (Your Anonymous News) twitter account and Jackal (one of the few respected enough to lead a proper â€Å"Pop†) the company employing Black Lotus protection gave up. Instead of being dosed, they gave all the money they got from WEB to the Sandy Hook Victims fund on top of a generous donation of k. We Are Anonymous is a good book about a few isolated incidents. I don’t however find it to be indicative of what Anon is about or the other sec that work within the hastiest community. Yes we did it for the lulls, but there was a sense of â€Å"moral†to all of us. How to cite Anonymous Hacker Book Report, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Hotel Operations Business Implementing Proposals
Question: Describe about the Hotel Operations for Business Implementing Proposals. Answer: Introduction: Hotels around the world are implementing proposals which are cost effective in nature for lessening their impact on the environment. According to Nicholls and Kang 2012, achieving pertinent and practical targets in areas concerning environmental factors needs proper investment of time and resources in planning, organizing, and offering training and following up in accordance to the requirement. Success in such maters does not come easy and one needs to start from the scratch to put things in order. The first part in such situations should always be to know the starting point and find out the amount of water currently in use. This report will take into account certain environment friendly measures that can be implemented for the Sydney based G Hotel Group in matters related to water consumption. Integration of effective green practices into the daily operations of Geo Hotel: As stated earlier, in everything that one does, the starting point is important along with knowing the current status of such a thing. Before getting started with recommending the measures that will take care of the water consumption in the hotel, it is important to check how much water is getting used in the current scenario through installation of meters and regular readings. The sub meters will help the hotel management to understand the areas where water is being used the most. Cost is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration, and areas need to be identified where the potential cost can be saved related to water consumption. The ground plan needs to be structured regarding costs and environmental saving measures for the water management plan (Jeong et al. 2014). A proper plan and execution of the same would help in bringing in a lot of key stakeholders, thus improving the hotels overall efficiency. The percentage of the worlds fresh water stands at 1%, so a lot of work needs to be done in preserving water with careful consumption. There should be a proper plan that needs to be followed in establishing a water conservation plan. -A water audit should be carried out where major costs related to water should be mentioned along with where savings can be made. -Proper checking needs to be done whether government loans are available for investment purposes in water reduction schemes and new technology. -All the employees of the hotel should be clearly informed about the managements pledge towards water reduction along with the objectives and goals -Staffs should be provided proper training in understanding the need of sensible use of water and maintaining optimal energy-efficiency. Their suggestions on the same matter is also important -Establishing a monitoring and targeting system for regular reports back to stakeholders and staffs Negative Impacts on the environment caused by Hotels operational activities: Reports and survey suggests that hotels do not have a major negative impact on the environment, but in a collective way they consume larger amount of resources which sometimes proves to be wasteful. The waste is in terms of resources which results in needless operational costs. Water is required for survival purposes which include cooking, drinking and cleansing. Tourists who visits hotel this days, have certain perceptions about the hotel environment like landscape gardens, golf courses and swimming pools. Water is also essential for agricultural purposes which in turn support the tourism industry. Generally, tourists demand more water than the local residents residing in the surrounding areas of the hotel. Survey reports suggest that around 100 luxury hotel guests would consume the same level of water in two months which the 100 local agricultural farmers would use for irrigational purposes in three years. The difference is huge, so proper measures are to be focused on to control the water consumption in the best possible way. A hotel comprises of different departments, so the focus should be on the areas where the consumption of water is likely to be the highest. Every plan implemented to save water needs to go through proper conducted tests so that none of the planned and implemented measures compromise with the quality, health and safety issue as the guests should not complain about such measures (Barber 2014). Restroom and Lavatory: - Installation of duel flush toilets can be beneficial where guests can go for a shorter flush (Chan et al, 2014). Changing everything at one go is never possible, so the hotel management can opt for placing a full water bottle in the cistern in order to reduce the water used in a single flush (Shieh, Hu and Sheu 2012). -Installation of water sense labeled showerheads, faucets, and flushing urinals have become important. Certain reports do suggest that these products are 20% more water-efficient than the standard ones (Robin, C.F., Pedroche and Astorga 2016). -The flow of the shower should be not more than 10 liters/min. A bucket and stopwatch can be used to measure such a process. -There should not be any leakage in the washroom; proper maintenance is required in saving water consumption. It has been reported that a leaking toilet generally loses around 750 liters of water a day. -The washrooms attached to hotel lobby and restaurants should have atleast four in hand washing sinks. There should either be flow restrictions or aerators to help reduce the tap flow. This is a short term goal, where investment is to be made at a time on the aerators and water sensor showerheads. However, monitoring and maintenance is required for a longer period of time. Laundry: -As this report is for a 4 star hotel, with around 400 rooms, installing a continuous batch washer (CBW) can be of great help, where rinse water is used for main suds operation and pre-washing facilities. -The rinse cycle needs to be minimized without hampering the quality. -The water flow rates on tunnel washers and CBWs are to be adjusted as per the manufacturers setting recommendation. -Hotels do use a lot of washing machines, whose purchase should be based on good water consumption rating. -The hotel laundry should be best served with ozone laundry systems. In this process the ozone gets injected into water, which forms a union with the laundry chemicals to offer an efficient wash. Swimming Pool: Installation of a swimming pool in a large hotel increases the consumption of fresh water by around 10%, which gives rise to the question of how important a swimming pool is to a hotel. It is, as tourists like chilling out in a swimming pool, especially if it is in Sydney (Barber and Deale 2014). -Regular maintenance to avert any sort of leakages. The best way to check this is by taking water readings the previous night as the last thing and the next morning as the first. -The swimming pool should be backwashed in every two or three days. A backwash system should be installed for recapturing the water and using it for irrigational purposes. Housekeeping: -The housekeeping staff should be given proper training on how they can reduce the use of water. They should be taught certain procedures like the number of times they need to flush the toilet while cleaning, the taps should not be kept open and the staff should be using hose while cleaning floors (Gssling 2015). -A linen reuse program should be put into use where guests should be allowed to select whether they want or not the regular change of their linen. This is a long term goal where the staffs should be given training at certain times to understand the policies of the organization are water consumption process. Kitchens: -I would like to suggest the hotels to go for Energy Star qualified models for products like ice machines, dishwashers and steam cookers. The usage of energy and water gets reduced by around 10% in using these models by reprocessing water throughout cycles. -Efficient pre-rinse spray valves, combination ovens and steam cookers should be put into use which uses relatively less water. -Equipments that are in the habit of discharging water on a continuous basis should be replaced. Users should also be educated on proper dishware prep and loading techniques to diminish the amount of water used. Landscape Watering: -Water-smart landscapes are to be designed which can reduce water needed for irrigational purposes. -A WaterSense labeled program is to be audited by hiring a certified professional to develop the efficiency in irrigation. -WaterSense labeled irrigation controllers should be put into use in order to cut down on loss of water from evaporation and wind. Short-term, Mid-term and Long-term goals: Every process that needs to be implemented should be for long term purposes which require continuous maintenance. The short term goals include company investing in washing machines, steam cookers and ice machines for water saving purposes. Each department in the hotel is responsible for water conservation. Like the beverage department where pioneering procedures are to be applied such as natura water that purifies the water of the tap along with adding carbonation as per the requirement. The Engineering department is responsible for allocating sustainable products and solution. Moreover, Energy Star appliances are being used to reduce water consumption. Advantages of the Hotel going green: -A label of a green hotel is best for business. Educating employees is necessary along with the guests who can help in protection of environment during their stay at the hotel. Big hotels going green or implementing environment friendly measures are seen as good neighbors rather than a large corporation (Baker, Davis and Weaver 2013). -A Brand value that is unique in nature. Environmental friendly hotels have their own demand and people in recent times opt for such a place to enjoy their holiday. -Marketing opportunities becomes more as the hotel will then able to attract a different segment of the travelling population. -Hotels practicing green measures can charge premium rates from their clients. Consumers are ready to pay premium price for such organic measures which are healthier and better for environment (Kang et al. 2012). Travelers are showing more interest in such kinds of hotels. Disadvantages: -Customer Backlash is common if a hotel makes false claims of being environmental friendly. Greenwashing is not the right way, the hotel may suffer - Switching to environmental friendliness products can often lead to costlier products or expensive products like energy saving cookers, water saving washing machines. -The conversion cost of switching to green or environment friendly products is quite high. At the initial level it needs a lot of investment to set things right Both the Board of Directors and the Stakeholder should have proper information regarding all this. They should take into account all the probable implications that these measures can bring about after implementation of such environment friendly activities (Hays and Ozretic-Doen 2014). Only then a successful environmental friendly hotel can be put up for tourists around the globe. Conclusion: As stated in the report the water consumption needs to be done properly, because the amount of fresh water is very less. Hotels do attract a lot of tourists each day where there is a possibility of water getting wasted. Proper measures can work wonders for not only the hotel, but also for irrigational purposes around the hotel premises. The 4 star Geo Hotel is coming up at a place where urban development is in progress. So water is necessary there too. So the measures as described in the report are being implemented will be of immense help to the renewal work of such a project of urban development too. Reference: Baker, M.A., Davis, E.A. and Weaver, P.A., 2013. Eco-friendly attitudes, barriers to participation, and differences in behavior at green hotels.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, p.193896551350448 Barber, N.A. and Deale, C., 2014. Tapping mindfulness to shape hotel guests sustainable behavior.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,55(1), pp.100-114. Barber, N.A., 2014. Profiling the Potential Green Hotel Guest Who Are They and What Do They Want?.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research,38(3), pp.361-387. Chan, E.S., Hon, A.H., Chan, W. and Okumus, F., 2014. What drives employees intentions to implement green practices in hotels? The role of knowledge, awareness, concern and ecological behaviour.International Journal of Hospitality Management,40, pp.20-28. Gssling, S., 2015. New performance indicators for water management in tourism.Tourism Management,46, pp.233-244. Hays, D. and Ozretic-Doen, ?., 2014. Greening hotels-building green values into hotel services.Tourism and Hospitality Management,20(1), pp.85-102. Jeong, E., Jang, S.S., Day, J. and Ha, S., 2014. The impact of eco-friendly practices on green image and customer attitudes: An investigation in a caf setting.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, pp.10-20. Kang, K.H., Stein, L., Heo, C.Y. and Lee, S., 2012. Consumers willingness to pay for green initiatives of the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(2), pp.564-572. Kasim, A., Gursoy, D., Okumus, F. and Wong, A., 2014. The importance of water management in hotels: a framework for sustainability through innovation.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,22(7), pp.1090-1107. Nicholls, S. and Kang, S., 2012. Going green: the adoption of environmental initiatives in Michigan's lodging sector.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,20(7), pp.953-974. Robin, C.F., Pedroche, M.S.C. and Astorga, P.S., 2016. Revisiting green practices in the hotel industry: A comparison between mature and emerging destinations.Journal of Cleaner Production. Shieh, H.S., Hu, J.L. and Sheu, H.J., 2012. GOING GREEN: DEVELOPING A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE GREEN HOTEL RATING SYSTEM.Actual Problems of Economics/Aktual'ni Problemi Ekonomki,134(8).
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Thomas Hobbes Essays - Calvin And Hobbes, Atomists, Empiricists
Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes was one of the first Western Philosophers that the world had seen. Hobbes's philosophies marked a departure in the English philosophy from religious emphasis of Scholasticism. Hobbes was born in 1588 in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. His father was a vicar of the parish during Queen Elizabeth time. He valued not learning and only read the prayers of the church. Hobbes obtained his education from his uncle and moved onto Oxford at the tender age of fifteen. By the time he reached Oxford he was already a scholar in Latin and Greek. He left Oxford in 1608 and began his companionship with the eldest son of Lord Cavendish of Hardwicke, later know as Earl of Devonshire. Hobbes traveled the European continent three times in his lifetime. These trips allowed Hobbes to get most of his work down and he usually traveled with a pupil. His first trip he took was in 1610 were he visited France, Italy and Germany. This trip he took with is pupil, Lord Hardwick. He learned the French and Italian languages along the way. This first tour of the continent did not allow Hobbes to learn his life purpose, but he did gain experience that could help him along his way. His second tour of the European continent took place in 1629 and lasted for two years. In 1628 his pupil and friend Lord Hardwick passed on and Hobbes had no duties to fulfill in the house. The second trip Hobbes took he had a new pupil the young earl, who was eleven when they left for the journey. When Hobbes arrived back he took over the education of his new pupil. Around the time he was educated the young earl, his philoschical views began to take place. It was not until his third trip across the continent that he began to fit in with the other philosophers of the world. The third trip he was accomplice by the young earl, Earl of Devonshire. The trip lasted three years, 1634 to 1637. The trip began a new chapter in Hobbes life, he began to publish books and his theories were starting to be written out into books. During the trip he was an intimate of Meresenne, who at the time was at the center of the scintitific circle. That circle include the like of Descartes and Gassendi. His first publication was when he returned titled, Elements of Law and politic. This book showed the theories that he began to evovle for him during this third and final trip. Hobbes fled to France for eleven years because of the fear of getting arrested from his book. He called himself ?a man of feminine courage?. In France he taught the Prince of Whales, later known as King Charles II, mathematics. While in London he also wrote his most famous book Leviathan. This book should Hobbes views on all the theories and ethical decisions. It was published in 1651, the same year he moved back to England. He moved back because he felt safer now in England then he did in France. In actuality he moved back because his book caused him to fear arrest by the authorties in France. He felt safer in England because of his former pupil took over the throne and Hobbes came into favor with the House of Commons. In 1666 however the house passed a bill to inspect his book Leviathan of charges of atheistic tendencies. This inspection caused Hobbes to burn many of his papers and delayed three publications of future books. His philosical theories were that people could have more then one loyalty and that they could be competing with each other. Mainly he was talking about the loyalty to God. Religion was a big deal back then and he stated that God could have a competing loyalty and that people should decide what is best for them. Loyalty to a person or a king should stop when death could occur to you. He stated that loyalty is a social act and that anything a person does is self-serving. Anything a human being does come full circle and benefits them in a way. A theory that Hobbes had, that I believe was pretty big,
Monday, November 25, 2019
French Expression With Three Apples
French Expression With Three Apples The French expression haut comme trois pommes (pronounced [o kuhm trwa puhm]) literally means high like three apples. It is used the same way as the English expression knee-high to a grasshopper and is used to describe someone very young or short. It has an informal register. Haut Comme Trois Pommes and Smurfs Youre probably familiar with the Smurfs, comic book characters introduced in Le Journal de Spirou in 1958, by the Belgian artist Peyo. Known as Schtroumpfs in French, Smurfs were exported to the US in the 80s in the form of popular cartoons and figurines. One thing you might remember about Smurfs (other than that they were blue), was that they were described as three apples tall. Peyo obviously said that they were hauts comme trois pommes, and the literal translation was used in the American adaptation to describe their height. The idiomatic English equivalent, however, can only be used figuratively: knee-high to a grasshopper cant literally describe a persons height, but rather means (when I was) a young child. Examples and Variations    La dernià ¨re fois que je lai vu, jà ©tais haut comme trois pommes.The last time I saw him, I was knee-high to a grasshopper.   Le pà ¨re de Sandrine a dà ©mà ©nagà © Paris quand elle à ©tait haute comme trois pommes.Sandrines father moved to Paris when she was knee-high to a grasshopper. You may see the following variations: Grand comme trois pommes genouxHaut comme trois pommes genouxHaut comme trois pommes couchà ©esï » ¿Haut comme deux pommes (expression quà ©bà ©coise)
Friday, November 22, 2019
Causes for development of aggression in children
Causes for development of aggression in children Aggression can be loosely defined as any behaviour which is intended to cause harm to another person whether physically or verbally. This investigation specifically evaluates the biological and learning perspective of psychology accounting for the development of aggression in children. Aggression from the biological perspective is often seen as an innate behaviour which is genetically passed on from the parents to their offspring or through other biological factors such as low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin and certain brain structures when manipulated may result in aggressive behaviour. When considering the learning perspective and environmental determinants of aggression in children. The key factors which play an essential role in the development of aggression in children are the observation of others behaviour as demonstrated by Albert Bandura (1961) as well as, the frustration aggression hypothesis which has been found to be a considerable factor in the development of aggression. This examination investigates the origins of childhood aggression and evaluates two differing perspectives being the biological and learning perspective and collectively concludes that there are various factors which contribute to a child acting aggressively. Biological factors such as genetics, low levels of serotonin and the amygdale have proven to result in childhood aggression. Similarly, environmental determinants such as observation of others, media and video games have also been found to cause childhood aggression. However, an understanding and strong evaluation of both the biological and learning perspective has lead to a stronger foundation of understanding childhood aggression. Therefore, to fully understand the origins of aggressive behaviour both biological and environmental factors must be considered within their limited scope (i.e. Strengths and weaknesses). There are many ways in which aggression can be defined. According to Berkowitz (1975) aggression is any behaviour which causes intentional harm to another person. There are many different forms of aggression which includes verbal, physical and emotional behaviours that are apparent in some children. Studies conducted on young children suggest that aggression develops in young children based on their biological background or their environmental context. This essay will be exploring and evaluating the biological perspective and learning perspective of psychology accounting for the development of aggression in young children. This issue is worthy of investigation since aggression has become a substantial social problem amongst upcoming generations. It has always appealed to me to understand the basis of aggressive behaviour as I have seen this behaviour amongst most children, teenagers as well as adults. It is my curiosity and eagerness to discover more about the development of aggression from two opposing views being the biological and learning which has motivated me to undertake th is research topic for my extended essay. To begin with, the biological perspective is based on the assumption that behaviour is biologically determined. All psychological issues stem from a physiological background. Therefore, aggression in children based on the biological perspective is considered to be an innate behaviour. Biological factors which trigger aggressive behaviour in children are inheritance, as well as the neurotransmitter serotonin and certain structures in the brain which trigger aggressive behaviour. Many theories and case studies have been put forward to support the hypothesis that aggression in children is biologically determined which will be discussed in further detail. (Weiten, W. 2007).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
QI strategies into performance measurements Essay
QI strategies into performance measurements - Essay Example The main performance area under consideration is quality improvement in health care, followed closely by patient safety. Quality healthcare is very integral in the vision, mission and overall strategic plan of Memorial Healthcare. In order to improve the overall quality of healthcare, many healthcare facilities employ different strategies, but they all have a singular aim. This focus has aided many heath facilities to improve their patient outcomes and follow the protocols of treatment. One of the models aimed at improving the quality of healthcare is the Plan Do Study Act. This methodology entails four steps, aimed at instituting changes in a system. To institute changes, a plan is hatched in order to test the change. Once this is accomplished, the test is executed, followed by a critical observation of the results for the purpose of learning and having a deeper understanding of the system. Thereafter, any shortcomings are identified and potential modifications made. Its pros include its application of scientific processes, its wide application, its effective management and control of results and capacity for exponential improvement. However, the methodology’s non-specific approach in dealing with problems, coupled with the possibility of being impacted by major risks when tackling small problems are examples of some of its drawbacks. According to Stamatis, the Lean methodology is a process improvement model that focusses on improving productivity while still minimizing waste and costs in the system. In order to be implemented, it requires a collaborative effort between all personnel in the organization for the purpose of identifying the improving productivity and highlighting the shortcomings in patient care services. Its pros include improved care patient services through care inefficiency reductions, employee and physician satisfaction and improved level of patient care and satisfaction. However, the methodology is time consuming and cost
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The cold war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The cold war - Essay Example oviet ideology with regards to the way in which a state must be ordered and the manner of economic interaction that must be practiced was diametrically opposed to the approach that the United States and its allies proposed. As the dust was settling over Europe after the Second World War, the issue of rebuilding the shattered remains of these nations was foremost on the minds of the Allied powers. As such, the United States was specifically interested in setting up governments that were like its own model; a democratic capitalist society. Yet, due to the fact that the Soviet Union believed that democracy was merely a mechanism through which the moneyed aristocracy could lord over the resources and effect an even greater level of capitalist robbery this approach was scorned. Instead, the Soviet Union attempted to set up puppet states that were directed by Moscow and practiced a very similar, if not identical, form of communism. This led the United States to feel that the Soviet Empire was gorwing and threaetneed the very existence of Western Europe; and indeed the rest of the world. As the Soviet Union began to espouse a more and more aggressive line of expansion, the United States felt as if they were e ntering a zero sum game in which the Soviet Empire would eventually control much of the globe. All of this culminated in a decision by Washington, and its allies, to promote a direct level of opposition to this and seek to engage third parties as a means of promoting them towards Washington and away from Moscow. Furthermore, ideology also plays a powerful role with respect to the fact that economic competition between the opposing theories of communism and capitalism extended far beyond Europe and soon encompassed the entire globe; where the Soviets sought to garner support for a revolution of the proletariat and the United States sought to spread seeds of capitalism - oftentimes by force. The proxy wars and the political and economic posturing of both
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Alternative and Activist New Media Essay Example for Free
Alternative and Activist New Media Essay New Media Introduction            New media is the access to content by use of digital devices like phones and computers anytime and anywhere across the globe. Harries (56) believes the content of new media is being accessed in purely uncontrolled ways in real time. It is a space dominated by creativity and interaction inform of information sharing in a feedback motivated set up. The new media space is prone to manipulation and is usually networkable and highly interactive. The range of such media is large extending from internet, video programmes, CD-ROMs to multimedia just to mention a few. New media is paperless and does not include television programmes usually propagated on analogue signals, books, articles and other written media.            Wikipedia is arguably the best example of the new media according to Harries (56). It displays a great volume of digital information inform of text, videos, pictures and various links leading to their sites of location. The information therein can be altered by editors and writers to benefit those clients who may not be familiar with the language used-English. The interaction is manifest in the way feedback is accessed in the site by users. Users are also exposed to a variety of information at just a click on one site. Facebook and Wikitude are also examples in this pursuit. Users of Facebook for instance have a higher level of interaction, exchanging instant information in a bidirectional feedback mechanism. Wikitude on the other hand has a capability to show images in three dimensions, recognise such images and give a clear photographic view to realise an amplified reality.            The benefits of this trend can never be underestimated. Lievrouw (1980) says globalisation is the major impact of the new media. It has increased exchange of information amongst people all over the globe over the internet. People exchange information in form of texts, pictures, drawings, videos among other forms in such platforms that allow blogging and posting of such information on various websites. Social relationship has increased a great deal to the extent it now demeans the distance between people. Globalization is seen as a form of interaction that is not restricted by the borders of one nation but extends across the globe defying the distances over the large land and water masses of the world. What a relief over travelling that was prompted by the need for communication in the past times!            Lievrouw, however, maintains that the benefits of globalisation are experienced at the expense of a tension free public space. The new media environment creates a lot of tension amongst different faculties a cross the world. The uncontrolled communication sometimes may become a leeway for the unruly people to use such platforms for their personal gains. The information dissemination disconnects from various authorities both political and cultural. Public relationships between people can be very indented as a result of the geographical trespass. Social restrictions that existed in the past are continuously being eliminated by virtual communities that are speedily mushrooming in the online platforms.            He says the American Digital Consumer views the users of the social media as a people who are in constant exchange of pleasantries, ideas and goods online. It praises the role played by new media in the business world especially in advertisement. Although there may be arguments that the internet world does not affect the morals of a society, it is true that the moral decadence in play around the world today is all borne by this trend. Mention any sexual vice like pornographic movies and the propagator will be named internet. From the foregoing argument, it is true that the decadence in the societal morality has being caused by developments that are seen in the new media.            Sparks (275) says that the media equation asserts that people treat computers like fellow human beings. This implies that new media is also very pivotal in fostering social change in our society. According to Sparks new media has been used to communicate interact and in mobilization of many social groups around the world. The first group to use the new social media to bring changes in organisation and communiquà ©s in the year 1994 was the Zapatista army. Since then the new social media has been used in many ways around the world. The protests around the world are all based on the new media to propagate the information in one way here and there. In big organisations, protests are organised and communicated through the new media. The new media is used to educate members on the various requirements on their engagements. The democratic championship has also been made possible through this platform. The access to information is highly increas ed and hence an increased enlightening citizens. Various people take advantage of the new media to mobilise the support from grassroots levels an endeavour that was almost a dark cat in the dark over the past.            Sparks (300) also argues that even so scepticism has been part of these developments. Sceptic scholars cite imbalance in the access of the new media around the world as a hindrance to attempts aimed at broadening the base of movements. Sometimes this may result in the oppression of the minority in the same movements. Some scholars still doubt how new media may be of value to social movements not only for the ones without access of it but also for them that use it. The movements can also use the new media wrongly as in the case for constant mass action by the university students around the world. If such actions have no grounded base on democracy then their propagation on such media is of no value to the society.            National security is a priority to any government. The new media is very important role player in this field. All the information on security is stored in a data based and secured. The information can be accessed easily and at once using various data base tool by the authorities in times of need hence improving the reactions in times of security shocks. Surprisingly the recent trend of terrorism shows sophisticated use of the new media in the accomplishment of their merciless attacks on innocent citizens of various countries. New social media has become a very good platform for terrorist to organise their malicious acts. After a massacre you can hear those giving talks that are evident of claims for responsibility.            Industries also use new social media to pass across information regarding various duties. Employees within different departments can share information and ideas culminating to quality improvement in the industry. Politicians also use social platforms nowadays to rally support. Their manifestos, pictures and achievements on behalf of people can always be posted to keep people abreast of their good deeds. In summary new media has a great impact on the present societal trends. It all depends on the individuals who use it and the reason for which the use it. It is very beneficial if used well across different fields to bring positive change. References Harries, Dan. The New Media Book. London: British Film Institute, 2002. Print. Lievrouw, Leah A. Alternative and Activist New Media. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2011. Print. Sparks, Glenn G. Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. Print. Source document
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hemingways A Farewell to Arms Receives Positive Criticism Essay
Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms Receives Positive Criticism Published in 1929, Ernest Hemingway finished A Farewell to Arms when he was barely 30 years old. Hemingway had been planning on writing about World War I for more than a decade, and chose A Farewell to Arms to be his attempt at a blockbuster, a novel which would sell very well.1 This view is supported by the fact that one of Hemingway's original works, presumably loss in the fiasco of Hadley's luggage, was also a war novel, emphasizing Hemingway's firm belief in the importance of war and love as a theme. By this time, of course, Hemingway was already fairly well known, having already published four short story collections and one successful novel in The Sun Also Rises. In this sense, Hemingway's timing in his quest for a big seller was perfect. Fortunately for Hemingway the book did sell, and although he was already close to being a bestseller at the time of A Farewell to Arms publishing, the novel went on to lead best-seller lists after only a few weeks in publication. In con trast to the lack of money-making power of Fitzgerald's novels, A Farewell to Arms sold 45,000 copies in only seven weeks; in fact, the interest in the book was so high Scribner's had to renegotiate Hemingway's contract following the unexpectedly large sales statistics.2 Although at this time declaring the novel a popular success almost worked against its being recognized as a good literary work, the initial reception for A Farewell to Arms was nonetheless strong. Especially impressed were the people Hemingway cared about the most: his fellow famous writers. Ford Madox Ford, in an introduction he wrote for a 1932 publication of the novel, wrote of Hemingway: "The aim - the achieveme... ...positive reception from his peers. Although in later years Hemingway turns on many of these fellow writers who praised him so lavishly, (see responding to Fitzgerald's 10 pages of criticism with "kiss my ass") their critical acclaim helped launch him to "writer superstardom." 1 Linda Wagner-Martin. Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms: A Reference Guide. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT (2003), p. viii. 2 Ibid., p. i-viii. 3 Ford Madox Ford in "Introduction to Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms" (1932) p. 246, from Wagner-Martin "Reference Guide." 4 www.allhemingway.com/afta/4658 5 Ibid. 6 Ray B. West (1949) in Harold Bloom. Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms: Modern Critical Interpretations. Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1987. p. 36. 7 Charles R. Anderson (1961) from Ibid., p. 46. 8 www.allhemingway.com/afta/4658 9 Wagner-Martin, p. 175-180.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Effects of Evaluation and Monitoring of Ecde Programmes Essay
The researcher will attempt to investigate the background information, statement of the problem, purpose of the study; objective of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the study and delimitation of the study. The period between 0-6 years is also referred to as formative years. According to guideline series (2006) children are extremely dependent on the people for life sustaining support for example in provision of food, shelter, clothing and attention. Through interaction, punishment and rewards children turn to be individuals whom teachers, parents and other care givers want them to be. This period is very important for children because it is the foundation of their total life. Experiences of these years continue to influence the individual throughout life. It is also a period of the fastest growth and development in all aspects. The brain of the child is most malleable at this stage and hence influences such as care have greater impact. It is therefore very important to invest in early years of a child because research findings show that holistic development of an individual is during thee years Ragor(2008). Most recognized psychologist like Freud and Piaget came up with their theories after many years of observing infants in their formative years. In the united states of America(USA), the CCB is dedicated to enhancing the quality and affordable child care services for all families that was according internet(July 2001). CCB administers federal funds to states territories and tribes to assist low income families in accessing child care service while parents participate in education or training activities. CCB also funds a network of Technical Assistance projects that promote quality and strengthen programme administration. It also shares research findings and help policy makers, programme administrators, communities, caregivers and parents to understand and make good decisions about child care. In Mauritius ECDE is under the Ministry of Women Rights, child development, family welfare and Ministry of Education. 0% of pre-school are run by the state. In 1998 Ministry of Education Acts put the teacher pupil ratio of 1:19. The sector is dominated by untrained caregivers with no minimum qualification. There are three types of staff for example school directors, teachers, and assistant teachers. Teachers have a general education of specific training for pre-school teaching provided by credited Mauritius institute of Education. Teachers and their assistants are paid by the government. Teachers, helpers, learners and auxiliary staff are paid by Parents Teachers Association (PTA). The researcher found that in Kenya after independence the government got directly involve in education activities of young children. Nursery schools and Day-care centres were established. They became directly under the Ministry of Health and Home Affairs. These ministries inspected schools that were stated at that time. The responsibility was later shifted to the Ministry of Education. Many seminars were held which covered all areas including co-ordination, supervision, provision of materials, research and sources of finance. Training programmes were organized for trainers and supervisors so that they could monitors and evaluate ECDE programmes in the grassroots level. However currently according to Ngaroga(2006) the government to contributed to the current expenditure on early childhood development education (ECDE) is 0. 1% where as the primary education is free. At the county level, the ECDE teachers are employed and paid by different employers namely community, parents, local authorities or Faith Based Organizations (FBO). This combination of emotional security and stimulation does not just happen. Those developing and implementing curriculum should bear in mind the ways in which they will create these. Active planning of good routine and activities as well as toys and equipment that will encourage children to play and explore is fundamental. Teachers, caregivers and parents ought to have knowledge skills and attitudes towards helping children to acquire them. Despite government vision to have education for all by the year (2015), quality education has never been realized since the ECDE sector has not been given the attention it deserves. Ngaroga(2005) states that little has been done about educational assessment which should be conducted by various professionals in order to establish the educational needs of the child. This involves very thorough examination of the child in relation to the capabilities and handicap the child is identified to be having. This assessment involves various personnel in different fields. Evaluation and monitoring motivates the learner and measures his or her achievement of the intended objectives and progress. It also enables teachers to give an objective report of an individual child’s performance and determine the usefulness of the method used in teaching children. Thus provides the basis for improving educational programmes.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Overview of Electronic Commerce Essay
Electronic commerce is the process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, and information via computer networks. E-business is a broader definition of EC that includes not just the buying and selling of goods and services, but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners and conducting electronic transactions within an organization. 2. Distinguish between pure and partial EC. Companies utilizing pure EC conduct all of their business online. Businesses utilizing partial EC conduct a portion of their business online and a portion of their business off-line. 3. Define click-and-mortar organizations. These are organizations that conduct e-commerce activities, but do their primary business in the physical world. 4. Define electronic markets, IOSs, and intraorganizational information systems. Electronic market – An online marketplace where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods, services, money or information. IOSs – Communication systems that allow routine transaction processing and information flow between two or more organizations. Intraorganizational information systems – Communication systems that enable e-commerce activities to go on within individual organizations. Section 1. 2 Review Questions . List the major components of the EC framework. The EC framework is made up of the following components: people, the public policy, technical standards and protocols, business partners and support services. 2. List the major transactional types of EC. The major transactional types of EC include: business-to-business, business-to-consumer, business-to-business- to-consumer, consumer-to-business, consumer-to-consumer, mobile commerce, intrabusiness EC, business-to-employee, collaborative commerce, nonbusiness EC, electronic government and exchange-to-exchange. 3. Describe the major landmarks in EC history. The major landmarks in EC history began with the use of EDI to transmit business information. This was followed by a wide public acceptance of the Internet. The next major landmark was the development of several early electronic commerce sites online and the growth of the â€Å"new economy. †Another major landmark is the winding down of many of these â€Å"new economy†businesses. 4. List some EC successes and failures. Student answers will vary. Section 1. 3 Review Questions 1. Define a business plan, business case, and business model. A business plan is a written document that identifies the business goals and outlines the plan to achieve them. A business case is a written document that is used by managers to gather funding for specific applications for projects; its major emphasis is the justification for specific investment. A business model is a method of doing business by which a company can generate revenue to sustain itself. 2. Describe a revenue model and a value proposition. Revenue model – Description of how the company or an EC project will earn money. Value Proposition – The benefits a company can derive from using EC. 3. Describe the following business models: name your own price, affiliate marketing, viral marketing, and product customization. Name your own price – reverse auction where bidders submit prices they would pay, and the system attempts to match those prices with merchants Affiliate marketing – One firm helps advertise for another and takes a commission on sales from referrals Viral marketing – Word of mouth marketing Product customization – creating products based on individual needs 4. Identify business models related to buying and those related to selling. Some business models related to buying include: electronic tendering systems, find the best price, group purchasing and supply chain improvements. Some business models related to selling include: online direct marketing, name your own price, affiliate marketing, buyer marketing, online auctions, product and service customization, electronic marketplaces and exchanges and supply chain improvements. 5. Describe how a linear supply chain can be changed to a hub. By allowing all members and levels of the supply chain to interact directly with a central hub (private or third-party), members can more easily communicate back and forth while improving and streamlining their overall processes. Section 1. 4 Review Questions . Describe some EC benefits to organizations, individuals, and society. EC benefits consumers by providing them convenience, speed, cost, customization, personalization and communities. EC benefits organizations by expanding the marketplace, creating a cost savings, improving business processes and promoting interactivity. EC benefits society by improving the standard of living and delivery of public services. 2. List the major technological and non-technological limitations of EC. These limitations are summarized in Exhibit 1. 5. Section 1. 5 Review Questions . Define the digital economy. A digital economy is an economy that is based on digital technologies, including digital communication networks, computers, software, and other related information technologies. It may also be called the Internet economy, the new economy, or the Web economy. 2. List the three characteristics of the digital revolution cited by Choi and Whinston. These characteristics include: a wide variety of digitized products, financial transactions being conducted digitally, and microprocessors and network capabilities embedded in physical goods. . List the major business pressures faced by organizations today. The major business pressures faced by organizations can be divided into markets, societal and technological categories. 4 . List the major organizational responses to business pressures. Organizations respond to business pressures by using: strategic systems, continuous improvement systems, business alliances, electronic markets, increased efficiencies, employee empowerment, supply chain improvements, and mass customization. 5. Describe how EC supports organization responses to business pressures. EC, and technology in general, provide organizations with ways to operate their businesses more efficiently by providing services and functions that in the past have been performed by employees at less than optimum efficiencies. Section 1. 6 Review Questions 1. Define intranets and extranets. An intranet is an internal corporate or government network that uses Internet tools, such as Web browsers, and Internet protocols. An extranet is a network that uses the Internet to connect multiple intranets. 2. What is a corporate portal? A corporate portal is a major gateway through which employees, business partners and the public can enter a corporate Web site. 3. Identify EC transaction models (e. g. , B2B) in Exhibit 1. 9 (page 27). These would include: ? Selling online ? Selling digital goods ? Online auctions ? Reverse Auctions ? Supply chains Answers to EC Application Case Questions EC Application Case 1. 1: Voice-Based 511 Traveler Information Line Questions 1. Enter tellme. com and find more information about this case. Summarize the benefits to the users. Student answers will vary. Users obtain a number of benefits, but the largest is the ability to quickly and easily access travel information from a single number. 2. What is the role of Tellme? What Internet technology is used? Tellme is the technology provider that uses a voice portal to access a number of Web sites and databases. 3. Can this application be classified as m-commerce? As l-commerce? Why or why not? This application is m-commerce since it is accessed with a mobile device. It is not l-commerce, since no location sensors (GPS) are used. EC Application Case 1. : The Success Story of Campusfood. com Questions 1. Classify this application by EC transaction type. This is a hybrid business model combining B2B and B2C elements. The business acts as an intermediary to other businesses (restaurants) and then resells these products to students (food). This business could be described as B2B2C. 2. Explain the benefits of Campusfood. com for its students and for the restaurants it represents. Both parties re ceived benefits from this relationship. Campusfood. com is able to create a market and revenue by reselling restaurants’ food to students. The greater variety of restaurants that they represent, the better possible market for students (and thus higher revenues). Restaurants benefits from the additional marketing and sales volume generated by Campusfood. com 3. Trace the flow of digitized information in this venture. Campusfood. com receives restaurant menus and enters them into their EC site. Consumers view this information on the Internet and place electronic orders to Campusfood. com. The orders are then forwarded digitally to the restaurant. 4. How does the outsourcing of marketing activities contribute to the business? By outsourcing marketing activities, the business is able to benefit from the firms expertise in this area. Additionally, the business is able to concentrate on its core abilities. EC Application Case 1. 3: Orbis Group Changes a Linear Physical Supply Chain to an Electronic Hub Questions 1. Identify the benefits of the ProductBank system to the supply-chain participants. The hub model is beneficial to the participants in the supply chain because it eliminates unnecessary steps in the process, and by doing so lowers overall cost and increases the speed of the process. 2. Where does the cost reduction in the ProductBank process come from? The cost reduction comes from several locations. The first area of reduction is the ability for the retailer or their advertising agency to immediately view and select an appropriate image without the use of a courier. When an image is selected it can be immediately pulled from the database instead of being sent out for scanning. 3. Where does the cycle time reduction come from? The cycle time reduction comes from two locations. The first area of reduction is the ability for the retailer or their advertising agency to immediately view and select an appropriate image without the use of a courier. When an image is selected it can be immediately pulled from the database instead of being sent out for scanning. 4. Explain the benefits of electronic collaboration between the catalog owner and the ad agency. Electronic collaboration between the two parties allows them to communicate more quickly and efficiently than traditional methods. The retailer is able to participate more fully in the process of the selection of photos, while the ad agency is able to more quickly process their customers’ requests. EC Application Case 1. 4: The Internet and the Intranet Shorten Time to Market for New Drugs Questions 1. How does the computerized drug application system facilitate collaboration? This application system facilitates collaboration because it provides full and easy access to the information needed. In addition, the information can also be easily searched and specific facts retrieved quickly. 2. How is cycle time reduced? Cycle time is reduced because pharmaceutical and FDA employees are able to concentrate more fully on the review of the drug in question. This is accomplished by the ease of searching online databases for facts and information as opposed to wading through hundreds of thousands of pages of paper documents. Answers to Discussion Questions 1. Compare and contrast viral marketing with affiliate marketing. In both viral and affiliate marketing of business, relying on a third party to assist in its marketing effort is necessary. With affiliate marketing, individuals or firms are paid based on the amount of additional business they can send to the selling firm. With viral marketing, individuals are encouraged to market the product to others without any financial gain. 2. Carefully examine the nontechnological limitations of EC. Which are company dependent and which are generic? All of the listed nontechnological limitations are generic concerns with EC with the exception of â€Å"Lack of trust in EC and in unknown sellers hinder buying. †This limitation may be overcome by well-known and established merchants who will bring with them some level of customer confidence. 3. Compare brick-and-mortar and click-and-mortar organizations. Brick-and-mortar organizations only maintain a presence off-line. Click-and-mortar organizations maintain a presence both online and off-line. 4. Why is it said the EC is a catalyst of fundamental changes in organizations? EC causes fundamental changes in organizations because it requires business models and processes to be redesigned and streamlined. This is required for firms to have successful EC. 5. Explain how EC facilitates supply chain management. EC facilitates supply chain management by exposing the inner workings of the supply chain and indicating which areas contribute the greatest value. These indications, coupled with a firm understanding of the chain’s workings, provide the necessary information for supply-chain optimization. 6. Which of the EC limitations do you think will be more easily overcomeâ€â€the technological or the nontechnological limitations, and why? Student answers will vary. In most cases technical limitations are easier to overcome, with customer preferences taking more time to adapt. 7. Explain how EC can reduce cycle time, improve employees’ empowerment, and facilitate customer support. EC can reduce cycle time by eliminating steps in business processes. The steps may be redundant or can be replaced with more efficient technology solutions. The elimination of the steps speeds the overall process and reduces cycle time. EC can provide employee empowerment by providing employees with greater and easier access to information provided by the employer. EC facilitates customer support by providing a wide range of technological solutions and communication opportunities. Additionally, EC supports self-help customer service so consumers can answer their own questions. 8. How does EC facilitate customization of products and services? EC facilitates customization by allowing customers to see the full range of options available for a given product. Customers are then able to select the options that they desire and these options may be sent directly to the manufacturer or service provider. This provides a more direct link between the customer and the firm that will eventually fill their custom order. 9. Why is buying with a smart card from a vending machine considered EC? EC can be defined as the application of technology toward the automation of business transactions and workflow. Because a smart card uses technology to automate a process (creating greater efficiencies and ease-of-use) it can therefore be considered EC. 0. Why is distance learning considered EC? EC can be defined as the application of technology toward the automation of business transactions and workflow, as well as a gathering place for community members to learn, transact and collaborate. Distance learning fits both of these definitions because it provides the technology solution for workflows (education) while also creating a learning community. Internet Exe rcises (Note: URLs may change over time; please check the Internet Exercises on the Turban Web site for possible updates: www. prenhall. com/turban. ) 1. Enter bigboxx. com and identify the services the company provides to its customers. What type of EC is this? What business model(s) does Bigboxx use? This company provides a large supply of office products, as well as other products and services to customers in the Hong Kong market. This company focuses primarily on B2B sales. This company makes the majority of its revenue through the direct sale of items. 2. Enter Amazon. com’s site (amazon. com) and locate recent information in the following areas: Student information will vary based on when this question is completed. a. Find the five top-selling books on EC. b. Find a review of one of these books. c. Review the customer services you can get from Amazon and describe the benefits you receive from shopping there. Amazon. com provides several services for customers. These benefits include: †¢ free shipping on large orders †¢ the ability to track orders †¢ the ability to combine orders †¢ the ability to send orders as guests †¢ additional answers will vary d. Review the products directory. Amazon. com provides a wide variety of products including books, electronics, music, travel services and many others. . Enter priceline. com and identify the various business models it uses. Priceline. com uses the â€Å"name your own price†or reverse auction business model. This model allows consumers to place bids for different services with several third-party companies through priceline. com. If the amount paid by the customer meets the third-party company’s minimum sales pri ce, the customer purchases the product or service at that price. 4. Go to ups. com and find information about recent EC projects that are related to logistics and supply chain management. UPS provides a variety of EC business products and solutions. Many of the solutions allow companies to easily ship, track and receive packages through UPS. In many of these cases, UPS provides software and services that allows customers to link UPS information to their existing information or e-commerce systems. The systems then allow greater visibility of the supply chain creating easier understanding of problems and opportunities in logistics. 5. Go to mixonic. com and create a CD. Then go to nike. com and design your own shoes. Next visit iprint. com and create your own business card. Finally, enter jaguar. com and configure the car of your dreams. What are the advantages of each activity? The disadvantages? Each of these sites provides the ability of individual customization for various products. The major advantage of this system is the ability of the consumer to create and purchase a product that meets their individual specifications. The disadvantages of the systems are the limitations and possible customizations and the additional cost and fulfillment time associated with customized products. 6. Enter chemconnect. com. What kind of EC does this site represent? What benefits can it provide to buyers? To sellers? This company provides an Internet-based exchange for the buying and selling of chemicals and plastics. This site provides benefits to both buyers and sellers. Buyers are able to evaluate pricing, availability and other information from a variety of sellers. Sellers are able to present their products for sale to a wide variety of buyers. 7. It is time you try to sell or buy on an online auction. You can try eBay. com, auction. yahoo. com, or an auction site of your choice. You can participate in an auction of almost any country. Prepare a short report describing your experiences. Reports will vary based on the auction site used by the student. In many cases students will comment on the overall experience of listing and purchasing products. Points of reference would include the ease-of-use of the site, the ease in searching and gathering information, the ability to compare products and the ease in completing transactions. 8. Try to save on your next purchase by using group purchasing. Visit letsbuyit. com, shop2gether. com, and buyerzone. com. Which site do you prefer? Why? Opinions will vary based on student preferences. . Enter espn. com and identify all sources of revenue there. I was able to identify: Advertising (pop-up) Advertising (co-branding MSN) Advertising (banners) Advertising (internal, for ESPN) E-Commerce (sales) Team Assignments and Role Playing 1. Assign each team two failed or failing Internet companies (e. g. , musicmaker. com, comdex. com). Use startupfailures. com to identify companies th at are in distress. Fortune. com is a good source of details for particular business failures. Have each team prepare a report on why is the companies failed or are failing. Responses will vary based on the businesses chosen by students and the source of their information. 2. Each team will research two EC success stories. Members of the group should examine companies that operate solely online and some that extensively utilize a click-and-mortar strategy. Each team should identify the critical success factors for its companies and present a report to the other teams. Responses will vary based on the businesses chosen by students and the source of their information. Answers to End-of-Chapter Real-World Case Questions: E-Commerce Supports Field Employees at Maybelline Questions 1. IVR systems are still popular. What advantages do they have over a system in which the reps mail or fax reports? Information comes in faster, and in a machine understandable format. 2. Explain why the MSP application is an e-commerce application. Compare it to the definitions and classifications in the chapter. The MSP application is an e-commerce application because it uses IT to directly enable communications and sales of products. 3. The existing technology enables transmission of data any time an employee can access the Internet with a PC. Technically, the system can be enhanced so that the data can be sent wirelessly from any location as soon as they are entered. Would you recommend such a wireless system to Maybelline? Why or why not? Student answers will vary. Students will weigh the benefits of real-time information against the costs and access issues of a new system. 4. Summarize the advantages of the new MSP system over the IVR one. Some of the advantages include: †¢ Easier to use †¢ More accurate information †¢ More detailed information †¢ More timely information †¢ Two-way communication †¢ Fulfills more roles
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Donald Woods and the Death of Activist Steve Biko
Donald Woods and the Death of Activist Steve Biko Donald Woods (born December 15, 1933, died August 19, 2001) was a South African anti-apartheid activist and journalist. His coverage of Steve Bikos death in custody led to his exile from South Africa. His books exposed case and were the basis of the movie, Cry Freedom. Early Life Woods was born in Hobeni, Transkei, South Africa. He was descended from five generations of white settlers. While studying law at the University of Cape Town, he became active in the anti-apartheid Federal Party. He worked as a journalist for newspapers in the United Kingdom before returning to South Africa to report for the Daily Dispatch. He became the editor-in-chief in 1965 for the paper that had an anti-apartheid editorial stance and a racially integrated editorial staff. Uncovering the Truth About the Death of Steve Biko When the South African black consciousness leader Steve Biko died in police custody in September 1977, journalist Donald Woods was at the forefront of the campaign to get the truth revealed about his death. At first, the police claimed that Biko had died as the result of a hunger strike. The inquest showed that hed died of brain injuries received while in custody and that hed been kept naked and in chains for a prolonged period before his death. They ruled it held that Biko had died as a result of injuries received after a scuffle with members of the security police in Port Elizabeth. But why Biko was in jail in Pretoria when he died, and the events attending his death werent explained satisfactorily. Woods Accuses the Government over Bikos Death Woods used his position as editor of the Daily Dispatch newspaper to attack the Nationalist government over Bikos death. This description by Woods of Biko reveals why he felt so strongly about this particular death, one of many under the apartheid regimes security forces: This was a new breed of South African- the Black Consciousness breed- and I knew immediately that a movement that produced the sort of personality now confronting me had qualities that blacks had been needing in South Africa for three hundred years. In his biography Biko Woods describes the security policemen testifying at the inquest: These men displayed symptoms of extreme insularity. They are people whose upbringing has impressed upon them the divine right to retain power, and in that sense, they are innocent men- incapable of thinking or acting differently. On top of that, they have gravitated to an occupation that has given them all the scope they need to express their rigid personalities. They have been protected for years by laws of the country. They have been able to carry out all their imaginative torture practices quite undisturbed in cells and rooms all over the country, with tacit official sanction, and they have been given tremendous status by the government as the men who protect the State from subversion. Woods Is Banned and Escapes to Exile Woods was hounded by the police and then banned, which meant he was not to leave his East London home, nor could he continue to work. After a childs t-shirt with a photo of Steve Biko on it posted to him was found to have been impregnated with acid, Woods began to fear for the safety of his family. He stuck on a stage moustache and dyed my grey hair black and then climbed over the back fence, to escape to Lesotho. He hitchhiked some 300 miles and swam across the flooded Tele River to get there. His family joined him, and from there they went to Britain, where they were granted political asylum. In exile, he wrote several books and continued campaigning against apartheid. The movie Cry Freedom was based his book Biko. After 13 years in exile, Woods visited South Africa in August 1990, but never returned to live there. Death Woods died, aged 67, of cancer in a hospital near London, UK, on August 19, 2001.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Language and allusion analysis of Teaching English from an Old Essay
Language and allusion analysis of Teaching English from an Old Composition Book,Constantly Risking Absurdityand The Love Song - Essay Example At the same time, these could be symbols in a way that it collectively describes the speaker’s past, as full of regrets and wasted opportunity, especially in taking risks for intimate relationships. Using descriptive devices, such as sensory details, further developed the feeling of insecurity the speaker has, saying: "with a bald spot in the middle of my hair†(Eliot 39). Images and symbolisms go hand in hand; however, they can exist without the presence of the other. Like Eliot’s work, the poem â€Å"Constantly Risking Absurdity†written by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, is built around imageries, symbolisms and few allusions. According to Edward Kent, Ferlinghetti’s poem is the writer’s definition of poets, as he performs â€Å"like an acrobat†(Ferlinghetti 6) every time he writes. It is the poet’s duty to present the unshakable truth to his audience, and if he fails to do this, he would fall to his death just like what a careless ac robat can become (Kent 1244).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
A Good Structure and Management Strategies in the Organizational Research Paper
A Good Structure and Management Strategies in the Organizational Processes - Research Paper Example Leopold, Harris and Watson (2004) define Strategic Managing of Human Resources as a mean of implementing corporate business strategy through HR. That means that HR managers and specialists are to work with a purpose of implementing strategic decisions taken by upper management on practice using the capabilities and potential of people working in an organization in order to improve the overall company’s performance (Bratton & Gold, 2001). They are to do it by means of negotiation, argument, and conflict resolution tools. The writers outline that managing HR strategically is vitally important for achieving organizational excellence in the long run. In addition, it is stated that HR management is, and should, be interconnected with the general management practices of an organization. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management defines Strategic Managing of Human Resources, also referred as ‘Alignment’, as integrating HR decisions with organizational mission and goals - t he decisions taken about the results an organization is to achieve (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1999). The research conducted by U.S. Office of Personnel Management reports that this can be achieved by means of interconnecting HR management principles and practices with company’s overall planning process so that HR activities would support the mission goals. In any case, strategic planning is an important part of organization’s operations since it allows a company to define its current market position, as well as analyze its potential and determine the most significant short- and long-term goals.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 55
Art - Essay Example The picture captures the hearty vitality that the painting shows. Via strong and concrete auditory and visual images and through the strong measured rhythm, it reveals that the villagers loved to celebrate their lives. The picture can be described as ekphrastic poem that focuses on a painting of a fair where a community or village participates in a very active and aggressive dance. More so, the painter emphasized on the bellies, shanks, and butts in the poem which suggests that roundness can be used to describe their obese physicality. It is also significant to note that the mouth is opened the largest when mentioning or pronouncing the word round and around further illustrating the pig-like qualities and characters of the villagers. The picture utilizes onomatopoeia as well as audio imaginary to try and make the painting appear real. It can be deduced that the annoying sounds in the paintings can be used to help describe the violent aspect of the dance as further as endorsed by the colors. The picture was intended to show an amazing depiction of careless merriment and records of events of meticulous details of people’s life during that time. It intends to shade more light on the painting by showing that people preserve their hope and depict determination to persevere hard conditions. That is the message that is contained in this painting as presented by the painter. Through the work, it is easy to learn and understand more about village life of that period and the people who inhabited it. For instance, it is easy to know how they dressed, danced, ate and hunted as it is the case of contemporary paintings. The painter had in his mind a moral slant in that lust, anger and gluttony are vividly seen in the painting. More so, the picture reveals the painters intention of bringing out the message that despite being the saints day, people have deserted the church. This picture cannot
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Black People Essay Example for Free
Black People Essay Tar Baby Toni Morrison’s novel might for some be a novel of cultural awakening. One also might at their first reading and perhaps also by reading the different studies made on Tar Baby, restricted to an interpretation that sees Jadine, Morrison’s protagonist, as woman who has, consciously or unconsciously, lost her â€Å"ancient properties†(305) and internalized the values of a white culture. Jadine has totally disconnected herself from her racial identity and cultural heritage. This reading is supported by the fact that Jadine has got her education in Europe with the financial assistance of Valerian Street (her aunt’s and uncle’s employer). Paraphrasing Marylyn sanders Mobley – the characterization of the protagonist, Jadine, draws attention to a fundamental problem as one that Morrison wants to affirm the self-reliance and freedom of a black woman who makes choices for her own life on her own terms. She also seeks to point out the dangers that can happen to the totally self-reliant if there is no historical connection. While the conflict in Tar Baby is undoubtedly â€Å"between assimilation and cultural nationalism represented by the sealskin coat Ryk has given her and the pie table†(Rayson, 94), the limiting categories which Jadine is continually forced into do not come from the white characters but primarily from the black community in which she finds herself because she (Jadine) has embraced white stereotypes along with white culture. While Valerian is portrayed as the traditional master-figure in the novel, it is actually Son, Sydney and Ondine, and the folk past represented by the different women in different places that try to conquer and dominate Jadine, who retain and represent their culture in the very colour of their skin. On the other hand, one could argue that it is as a result of Jadine’s university education in Europe and her career that further draws her away from her culture and identity and therefore (paraphrasing Mobley in Toni Morrison critical perspectives past and present) contributes significantly to the emotional and spiritual uncertainty that plague her as well as the many different roles that are imposed upon her by her aunt and uncle as well as the ‘society’ that caused her to seek upward social mobility. Sydney and Ondine, Jadine’s uncle and aunt in the novel can be seen as representative of one of the tar pits for Jadine. They do not accept all black people equal in the community in which they live because they employ racial hierarchies. Ondine sees herself as the only woman in the house (209), while Sydney notes more than twice that he is a Philadelphia Negro, â€Å"the proudest people in the race†(61). They seem to have a clear vision of what they want for Jadine their niece. As the story progresses, though, it becomes clearer that it is not actually a question of what they want for Jadine but what they want of her or expect her to do. In addition to them wanting Jadine to provide them safety and credit for their race, Ondine admits by the end of the novel, â€Å"maybe I just wanted her to feel sorry for us [ ] and that’s a lowdown wish if I ever had one†(282). Jadine understands that Sydney and Ondine â€Å"had gotten Valerian to pay her tuition while they sent her the rest†(49) and Ondine keeps reminding that she â€Å"would have stood on her feet all day all night to put Jadine through that school†(193). Ondine sees Jadine as her â€Å"crown†(282), and she and Sydney are continually â€Å"boasting†(49) about Jadine’s success to the point that Margaret calls Ondine â€Å"Mother Superior†(84). In return, they seem to want Jadine to offer them safety for the rest of their lives as Ondine claims that â€Å"Nothing can happen to us as long as she’s here†(102). They are not comfortable with the idea of Jadine marrying Ryk, who is â€Å"white but European which was not as bad as white and American†(48), but they are terrified of her running off with a â€Å"no-count Negro†(193) like Son. Although their views on racial hierarchies seem to alter from time to time, on the outside they seem to want what is best for Jadine. Jadine refute Ondine’s views of black womanhood when she tells her some of the things that are expected of her from society Jadine tells Ondine that: â€Å"I don’t want to learn how to be the kind of woman you’re talking about because I don’t want to be that kind of woman†(282). This, according to Rayson (1998), might be interpreted as Jadine’s â€Å"rejecting the roles of mother, daughter, and woman to stay the tar baby†(Rayson, 95), however it marks her becoming aware of what kind of woman she is by the end of the novel. Jadine‘s inclination toward upward social mobility leads to her separation from the Afro-American roots and the tar quality that Morrison advocates. This kind of flaw in Jadine effectively disqualifies her as a black woman capable of nurturing a family and by large the community. Jadine‘s perception of an ancestral relationship from which she is estranged occurs when she sees an African woman in a Parisian bakery. When she is celebrating her success as model evidenced in her appearance on the cover of Elle, Jadine becomes nervous or perhaps uncomfortable by the African woman in yellow attire. She triggers an identity crisis in Jadine at the moment when she should have felt more secure with her professional achievement assured by beauty and education. In his African woman, Jadine catches a glimpse of beauty, a womanliness, an innate elegance, a nurturer, an authenticity that she had never known before: ? That woman‘s woman – that mother/sister/she/; that unphotographable beauty? (p. 43). By calling the African woman ? that mother/sister/she,? J. Deswal (online source â€Å"Tar Baby- Shodhganga) claims that â€Å"Morrison presents a threefold definition of womanhood which can thrive within the confines of family and community only. The three eggs she balances effortlessly in her ? tar-black fingers? (p. 44) appear to Jadine as if the woman were boasting of her own easy acceptance of womanhood†. Wendy Harding and Jacky Martin in A World of Difference: An Inter-cultural Study of Toni Morrison explain the importance of the African woman‘s presence as such: â€Å"Whereas Jadine has just been rewarded for her conformity to Western ideals of feminity, the African woman suggests a more powerful version of black womanhood. Like some fertility goddess, she holds in her hand the secret of life. She is the mother of the world in whose black hands whiteness appears as something as easily crushed as cared for (71). When Jadine measures herself by the idea of black womanhood that she sees in the African woman the insecurities of her rootless condition surface in her mind. The women in yellow makes Jadine confront her female role and her sexuality†. Jadine sees ? something in her eyes so powerful? (p. 42) that she follows the woman out of the store. The writers also claim that â€Å"As a symbol of repudiation of Jadine‘s westernized lifestyle, the African woman ?looks right at Jadine? (p. 43) and spits on the pavement†. Jadine hates the woman for her spitting, but what she cannot do is escape feeling ? lonely in a way; lonely and inauthentic? as she tells the readers on page 45. When the sense of self is based on the denial of one‘s ethnic roots, one is certain to experience mental chaos and alienation. So, the woman‘s insult to Jadine had the powerful effect of challenging Jadine‘s choices: her white boyfriend, her girlfriends in New York, her parties, her picture on the cover of Elle and the way she lived her life. One can say that it is as a result of the African woman that Jadine desided to visit her aunt and uncle on the island. Jadine is confused and even questions her plans to marry Ryk, her white boyfriend: I wonder if the person he wants to marry is me or a black girl? And if it isn‘t me he wants, but any black girl who looks like me, talks and acts like me, what will happen when he finds out that I hate ear hoops, that I don‘t have to straighten my hair, that Mingus puts me to sleep, that sometimes I want to get out of my skin and be only the person inside – not American – not black – just me? (p. 45) It is through Son, however, that Morrison offers Jadine the ultimate opportunity to ‘redeem’ herself to her heritage, adapt it and revive her womanhood. Son picks up from where the African woman left off in a sense by making Jadine confront her inauthenticity. Jadine and Son enjoys their stay in New York because it is the place where Jadine feels at ease. She feels loved and safe: ? He ‘unorphaned’ her completely and gave her a brand-new childhood? (p. 231). In turn, Son is encouraged by her need and by his apparent ability to redefine Jadine culturally and emotionally. Son insists that he and Jadine goes to Eloe his hometown where Jadine will see how Son is rooted in family and cultural heritage. He attempts to rescue Jadine from her ignorance and disdain for her cultural heritage, trying in a sense to mould Jadine into the image of his black female ancestors. Son assumes that a relationship with Jadine will mean that they will have children together. He presses claims for family and community: ? He smiled at the vigour of his own heartbeat at the thought of her having his baby? (p. 220). Thus, he wants Jadine to love the nurturing aspects of home and fraternity. He is fed on dreams of his community women. The dreams of ? yellow houses with white doors? and ? fat black ladies in white dresses minding the pie table? (p. 119) are nourishment to Son. Sandra Pouchet Paquet (The ancestors as foundation in their eyes were watching god and tar baby) observes: ? In Son‘s dreams of Eloe, the African-American male ego is restored in a community of black man at the center of a black community. But however appreciative Son is of the beauty, the strength, and the toughness of black women; his vision is of male dominance; of the black women as handmaiden? (511). The image feminity that Son cherishes – of the black woman taking passive role as a nurturer of the hearth – is flagrantly opposite to Jadine‘s perception of the modern black woman. This terrifies Jadine and narrows the possibility of their forming a family. The modern, educated black woman seems to snivel at the aspects of traditional female- specific role as the nurturer of hearth and home. Decadent white values and life style thwart the black woman’s vital roles of building families and raising children. The modern black woman cannot be a complete human being, for she allows her education to keep her career separate from her nurturing role. The black woman is increasingly becoming able to define her own status and to be economically independent. She tries to seek equality in her relationship with men. Robert Staples gives an insight into the faltering dynamics of modern couples: ? What was once a viable institution because women were a subservient group has lost its value for some people in these days of women‘s liberation. The stability of marriage was contingent on the woman accepting her place in the home and not creating dissension by challenging the male‘s prerogatives? (125). The black woman‘s intrinsic quality of ? accepting her place in the home? is Morrison‘s tar quality. However, in advocating the tar quality Morrison does not admonish the educational and professional accomplishments of the black woman. In fact, the black woman is expected to achieve a balance between her roles in the domestic and professional fields. â€Å"It is the historical ability of black women to keep their families and careers together. In an era where both the black male and female seek to fulfill individual desires, relationships falter and, consequently, the prospects of the propagation of a family are not too bright. Jadine‘s tar quality is submerged by the white-like urge for freedom and self-actualization. As a result, she finds the conventions of black womanhood antithetical to her own value system†. At Eloe, Jadine is determined to resist rigid male-female role categorization. Jadine cannot ?understand (or accept) her being shunted off with Ellen and the children while the men grouped on the porch and after a greeting, ignored her? (p. 248). While at Eloe, Jadine is provided with yet another chance to attain certain qualities that is for black women. She is accustomed to living an upper-class white lifestyle so she finds the people of Eloe limited and backward. Their stifling little shacks are more foreign to her than the hotel-like splendor of Valerian‘s mansion. She stays in Aunt Rosa‘s house where she feels claustrophobically enclosed in a dark, windowless room. She feels ? she might as well have been in a cave, a grave, the dark womb of the earth, suffocating with the sound of plant life moving, but deprived of its sight? (p. 254). It is in this very room where Jadine and Son were having sex that she had a second awakening vision, which is more frightening than the one she had in Paris about the African Woman. Here, Older, black, fruitful and nurturing women – her own dead mother, her Aunt Ondine, Son‘s dead wife, the African woman in yellow and other black women of her past – become a threatening part of Jadine‘s dreams: I have breasts too,‘ she said or thought or willed, I have breasts too. ‘ But they didn‘t believe her. They just held their own higher and pushed their own farther out and looked at her,? (p. 261) and ? the night women were not merely against her not merely looking superior over their sagging breasts and folded stomachs, they seemed somehow in agreement with each other about her, and were all determined to punish her for having neglected her cultural heritage. They wanted to bind the person she had become and choke it with their breasts. The night women?accuse Jadine for trading the ? ancient properties? (p. 308) of being a daughter, mother, and a woman for her upward mobility and self-enhancement. All these women are punishing Jadine for her refusal to define herself in relation to family, historical tradition and culture. As they ‘brandish’ their breasts before her eyes, they mock and insult her with their feminity. Jadine finds these women backward and sees no self-fulfilling value in the roles that they serve. However, she is constantly haunted by dreams of the black female image that she seems to have lost throughout life. Ondine express shame and disappointment over her lack of concern for her family, the African woman, at the Parisian bakery, spits at her in disgust and the night women, in the vision at Eloe taunt her with their nurturing breasts. Having refuted her own black culture and heritage, Jadine face the consequence of a divided consciousness and a mental death. Her decision to end the love affair with Son ? I can‘t let you hurt me again? (p. 274) is an evidence of her shunning womanhood and losing her Afro- American roots as she chooses Ryk her white boyfriend over Son who refused to become the person or image that Jadine wants him to be . Jadine is compelled to make her choice and she decides that it is in Paris, away from Son, where there are prospects of financial success and personal independence. She doesn‘t want what Son and Eloe have to offer: To settle for wifely competence when she could be a beauty queen or to settle for fertility rather than originality and nurturing instead of building? (p. 271). Jadine makes it clear to the reader that she is self-sufficient and independent of men, family and community.
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